
About Me 藝術家簡介

跳耀之心 Dancing with Heart (榮獲法國秋季沙龍獎)

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且直射人的心房             --佳音電台



我的畫作是多樣的,因為有許多對祂的情感及生命的啟示要表達。當我越靠近自然純淨的美時,我彷彿與祂更靠近。我嘗試用不同的色彩,媒材,形式 來表達心靈的悸動,尋回與祂的共鳴點。與祂一同創作的過程中,我經歷每一幅來自祂對我內心的更新、全然的愛,啟示與永恆之美。這是一個跳舞女孩(頌之藝)的愛情故事。


Painting of Healing Light: 醫治之光




                                                                                                                     廖文君  頌之藝

                                                        Gloria Patri Gallery

-用心感受 你是獨特的


- 生活的光與指引


- 成為他人的祝福


- 甦醒在生命的軌跡



      1.   法國世界藝術World-wide Art Book: Masterful Minds Magazine 藝術雜誌封面藝術家Cover                 Artist

2.     英國倫敦國際藝術創意獎 2024

3.     義大利Art Diamond Museum Artist Award 2024

4.     連三次獲選/受邀法國秋季沙龍展 (Le Salon D'Automn)

5.     2023& 2025義大利佛羅倫斯藝術雙年展(Fortezza De Basso)

6.     法國 International CFA Arts 國際比賽藝術卓越獎(Artistic Excellence Award-Artist of the Year) 2023

7.     法國 International CFA Arts 國際比賽藝術卓越獎(Artistic Excellence Award for Spotlight Magazine covers contest 2023

8.     法國 International CFA Arts 國際比賽入圍 Exhibition in World Wide Art-Artavita Gallery-Red Dot Miami Florida 展出 2023

9.     義大利威尼斯藝術成就獎International Prize Distinguished Arts in stylistic value and artistic research. - Italy Venice 2023

10.     義大利羅馬米開朗基羅成就獎- Genius of Italy Art Award 2023

11.  入選國際Artsy藝術平台售出收藏

12.  刊登義大利威尼斯"Contemporary Celebrity Masters” international art magazine 2023

13.   榮獲大陸鳳凰海南 產經新聞 報導當代實力派藝術家

14.   榮獲大陸藝術界報導: <時代經典  走向世界的傑出華人藝術家>

15.   榮獲美國BSF Bible Study協會Art Gallery展出及納入教學課程

16.   魅力學習 看見未來 佳音電台

17.   藝術公藝誌 (Arts Charity)報導

18.   希望電視台報導

19.   佳音及遠東電台訪談創作歷程

20.    基督徒今日報報導

21.   寰宇電台訪談

廖文君從小就對大自然充滿著好奇及熱愛. 在成長及旅居國外多年的過程中, 週遭大自然的奧秘使她與色彩及植物花草產生了奇妙的聯結,多年不斷對藝術的看見及追尋,藝術創作已在她生命中扮演著重要的角色,她的畫作不斷的反映出內在對生命及大自然創造者的讚歎. 雖然先前從事於金融業多年, Jenny對藝術創作的熱忱及堅持仍持續不斷地加增.並於2016年創辦了Gloria Patri Gallery 頌之藝, 致力於將內心所感受到的愛與藝術之美透過創作帶給全世界

2016年始她開始多次國內外參展及個展。 她的畫作被歐美肯定、獲獎連連並受邀參展知名國際雙年展、被國際藝術雜誌刊登報導收藏,在她的畫作裡可以看見那努力不懈的創作精神及她所要表達的啟示。她的創作理念來自於一個跳舞女孩的尋夢心情故事。她的畫作可分為四個系列,分別為生命, 返璞歸真, 伊甸園及心門系列。在她的生活中不斷地激發出創作靈感, 不停止的創作出不同的系列畫作。她將生命的熱情如同火花般地展現在畫布上。廖文君畫作具有特殊療癒效果、創意性、其色彩飽和溫暖、具穿透性及創意故事-跳舞女孩的故事。 每一幅畫作都有其要表達的跳舞女孩生命故事、啟示及心靈療癒。

廖文君 亦常接受廣播電台、平面媒體專訪,談她的創作心得與歷程,激勵人們勇於實現夢想,深受大眾與藝術愛好者好評。她亦成為繪畫療癒講師並引導及開啟學員在藝術上的創作。

展覽 / 經歷:

2024 年                           -    日本北九州市立美術館

2023                           -      義大利波隆那數位插畫展

                                       -      國立中正紀念堂 展 / 台日展   

                                       -      義大利威尼斯展- Scuola Grande Di San Teodoro

                                       -       義大利羅馬展- Tatro Italia, Rome

                                       -       瑞士Art Basel 展- Hyperion Hotel Basel,Switzerland

                                       -      義大利佛羅倫斯藝術雙年展(Fortezza Da Basso Firenze)

                                     -       日本東京都美術館參展

                                      -      法國World Wide Art -Artavita Gallery- Miami                                                                                                                                       Florida Exhibition

2022                           -      法國秋季沙龍展 
                                         -      日東京都美術館全日展 
                                             -      國 立中正紀念堂 展 / 台日展 
                                        -     國父紀念館 / 台日展 
                                        -     淡水將捷鬱金香酒店CBMC 60th Anniversary (Salon)
2021                               國立中正紀念堂 個展 / 甦醒-在生命的軌跡中

                                      -      國 立中正紀念堂 展 / 台日美術交流展                                                               

                                                   -        淡江大學藝術 講師Guest Speaker

-      Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) International USA藝展

2020                           -     國 立中正紀念堂 展 / 台日展

-       淡江大學美術館 講師

-       藝術療癒講師, 啟示療癒畫作Trainer

-       Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) International USA藝展

-       藝術公藝誌 (Arts Charity) 及 中信月刊 畫作刊登報導

2019                          -     創作榮獲看登報導大陸藝術界:

<時代經典  走向世界的傑出華人藝術家>畫輯

-       個展 / 頌之藝 藝術空間

-       藝術療癒工作坊

2018                           -     繪畫心靈療癒講師



-       藝術文創 個展

2017                           -     三福藝空間 / 個展

-       繪畫心靈療癒講師, Sue 藝廊

2016                           -     台灣藝術博覽會 / 參展

-       台北國際藝術交流博覽會展 台北福華飯店 

-       宣藝術 聯展

-       創立 Gloria Patri Gallery /頌之藝 藝廊

2015                          -     個人創作榮獲橄欖文教基金會入選製作萬年曆

2014                          -      Sue 藝廊 個展 / 揮灑於恩典下

Artist Statement

My paintings are spontaneously created through touches of the Creator. Every strokes and brushes represent my feeling towards the Creator. Thus, there is no exact format, style,medium for my arts as I try to express my adoration to the Creator through my works. The dancing (painting) process brings me closer to the Creator to discover the eternal love , beauty and revelation in His presence. I believe The Creator lives inside of me and all of us, and every one of us is uniquely connected in His heart.

Jenny Liao/Gloria Patri Gallery)

I am an International Taiwanese Artist of Hope, Love, Peace and Faith.

My paintings reflect profoundness and innermost touches from the Creator. Although I have been working in financial industry for 20 years before, my passion and perseverance toward arts never cease. Since a moment of a touch from the Creator through nature in 2014, I begin to pick up painting brushes again to express my passion toward the Creator through creative arts.

In 2015, I decided to leave my job in financial institution to start a journey as an artist like a "dancing girl" in the painting". In 2016, I set up Gloria Patri Gallery aiming to bring love and beauty to the world through creative art works. The Gallery contains all kind of creative artworks without any limitation as it represents unique identity of every human being.

My artworks have been recognized for the expression of innermost voice of the human being, and carrying out life and love which resonates people’s heart. My artworks have been privately collected by collectors from many countries. Local and foreign medias, ie Art magazine & Today’s News etc., US Bible Study Fellowship Org. education channel, newspaper, Hope TV station have also reported my uniqueness artworks as an expression of people heart and brings enlightenment, hope, and joy to viewers.

Most of my artworks are abstract or expressive. They are spontaneous and pure image from the deep self-expression toward the Creator. I am skillful in utilizing various medias to express my emotions and revelation in artworks. My uniqueness is color I uses which bring harmony and comfort to viewers. My arts also reveal revelation and draw forth the unseen emotional healing to viewers. 

Until now, my artworks are categorized under four major themes (series of art pieces), which are Life series, Truth series, Eden series, and Heart series respectively.  Two of my major art pieces, Dancing with Heart, and Arise and Shine under Life series, are selected for exhibition by Le Salon d’Automne Contemporary Art Exhibition in Paris France in 2022 and 2023 respectively. Two other artworks ie King and Awakening in the Trajectory of Life in Eden series won the Artistic Excellence Award from CFA International Art in France, and other awards accredited by other art institutes/associations in Europe and USA.

Exhibition / Experience
2024                            Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art , Japan
2023                            World Wide Art-Artavita Gallery-Miami Florida Exhibition
                                    Italy Bologna Digital Art Exhibition
                                    XIV Florence Biennale International Contemporary Art Exhibition
                                    Italy Venice - Sculola Grande Di San Teddoro-Venice Art Exhibition
                                    Italy Rome-Teatro Italia Art Exhibition
                                    Swiss Hyperio Basel Digital Art Show
                                    Tokyo Metropolitan Museum Exhibition
                                    Taiwan/Japan Artist Joint Exhibition / Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall
2022                            Le Salon De Autome Contemporary Art Exhibition
                                    Joint Exhibition Taiwan Japan Artist Association / Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
                                    Golden Tulip FAB Hotel, CBMC Anniverary (salon) 
                                    Tokyo Metropolitan Museum Exhibition
2021                            Solo Exhibition / Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall
                                    Tamkang University Art Guest Speaker
                                    Bible Study Fellowship International USA Art web Gallery Exhibition
                                    Taiwan/Japan Artist Joint Exhibition / Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall

2020                            Taiwan/Japan Artist Joint Exhibition / Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall
                                    Bible Study Fellowship International USA Art Gallery Exhibition
                                    Tamkang University Art Guest Speaker
                                    Arts Charity Magazine Media Reporting

2019                           Art Healing speaker / trainer  (Group / One-on-One)
                                               Outstanding Asian Artist Artbook posted by China 
2018                           Art Therapist speaker / Leader
       Nan Kan Community University, Taipei
       Community Ctr- Kids Growth Camp
2017                            3 Cafe Studio                      Solo Exhibition
                                    Sue Gallery                         Art Therapist speaker 
2016                           Taiwan Art Expo                Solo Exhibition
                                   Howard Hotel , Taipei        Joint Exhibition
                                   Show Art                            Joint Exhibition
                       Establish                             Gloria Patri Gallery (web gallery)

2015                           Olive Organization             Artworks Accredited for Calendar Making

2014                            Sue Gallery                          Solo Exhibition

-  Cover Artist of France / World wide Art Book: Masterful  Minds Magazine Cover Artist

- Selected artist of Italy Florence Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition (Fortezza Da
   Basso Firenze)
- Selected artist for Le Salon de Autumn France Paris
-  London International Creative Competition Award, England LICC
- Artistic Excellence Award by France CFA Contemporary Arts |" Artist of the Year contest
- Artistic Excellence Award by France CFA for Spotlight Magazine covers contest Issue # 32
- International Prize of PEGUSAS in Italy Venice for Distinguished Artist for Stylistic
  Value and Artistic Research by Effeto Foundadtion Italy
- Selected Italy Venice "Contemporary Celebrity Master" Vol. III
- Award for MichelAngelo-Genius of Italy Rome by Effeto Foundation Italy
- Selectd Artist for Artsy International Art Platform
- Arts Charity reported as unique artist in the market
-  Good News Broadcasing Association reported the artist 's artworks speak
   about people's heart and can penetrate into human soul
Paintings selected for annual yearbook of Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall,Taipei Taiwan
- Paintings selected in BSF Art Gallery, USA

Arts Publication:

2023, Spotlight Magazine, Circle Foundation for the Arts, France
2022, Salon D' Automne Contemporary Arts, Paris France, Salon 
          D'Automn Paris France, ISBN 9782956341048
2022, Taiwan/Japan Art Exchange Exhibition, ISBN 9789869714143
2021, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Exhibition Book, ISBN  
2021, Taiwan/Japan Art Exchange Exhibition, ISBN 9789869714136
2020, ArtsCharity Vol.42, Writer: I-Ling Chu
2020, Taiwan/Japan Art Exchange Exhibition, ISBN 9789869714129
2019, Chinese Book of Hope 
2018, Classic of the Times, The Outstanding Artist of the Era, China, 
          ISBN 9787519040901

                                                                跳舞女孩 迎向未來|116.5x80cm|複合媒材

2021中正記念堂個展 |甦醒在生命的軌跡 Solo Exhibition Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall 

            2021國 立中正紀念堂 個展-佈展 | Solo Exhibition Shan Kai Shek Memorial Hall 


2018 Art Exhibition ,Tainan

2018 Media Interview  

2018 Media Interview

2017 Solo Exhibition

2018 TV Interview 
2018 Artwork presented for Tainan , CBMB Business Assoc.
2018 Kids Art Therapy Camp

2016 Art Exhibition / Taipei World Ctr

1. 我的創作風格與畫中語言詮釋: 透過我的畫作色彩及形式來幫助人們了解情緒、減輕壓力和提高心理健康。

2. 我的畫作相關議題的表述: 藝術真理,藝術療癒,藝術啟發,內. 在療癒,藝術創作,藝術治療,藝術與生命,靜心舒壓,內在旅程,故事探索,能量哲學,藝術哲學,藝術心理,靜心舒壓,繪畫圖像治療,視覺心理,視覺心理療法,色彩療法,圖像療法,視覺化練習,繪畫療法,繪畫療法

3. 我的畫作是一種視覺心理療法: 將視覺圖像和心理學相結合的療癒方法,可以幫助人們通過視覺刺激來調節情緒和減輕心理壓力,讓人感到舒適和放鬆。

My creative style and interpretation of the language in my paintings: Through the use of color and form in my paintings, I aim to help people for the emotional healing, alleviate stress, and improve their mental health.

The expression of the themes in my paintings: Truth in art, art as healing, art as inspiration, inner healing, art creation, art therapy, art and life, mindfulness and stress reduction, inner journey, story exploration, energy philosophy, art philosophy, art psychology, drawing and image therapy, visual psychology, visual therapy, color therapy, image therapy, visualization exercises, and painting therapy.

My paintings are a form of visual psychology therapy: By combining visual imagery with psychology, this healing method can help people calming their emotions and reduce psychological stress through visual stimulation, creating a sense of comfort and relaxation.

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